Welcome to PythonSage!, your go-to
resource for mastering Python programming! Today, we'll be creating a simple
shopping cart program in Python. This program allows users to add items to a
cart, view the cart, remove items, compute the total price, and exit the
application. Let's dive into the code and see how it works.
Code Overview (Shopping Cart Program in Python)
Here's the complete code for our shopping cart program:
import sys
# Initialize lists to store items and their prices
list_s = []
prices = []
# Function to add an item to the cart
def add_item():
item = input("What item would you like to add? ")
price = float(input('What is the price of ' + item + '? '))
print("The item '" + item + "' has been added to the cart.")
# Function to print all items in the cart
def print_items():
for temp in range(0, len(list_s)):
item = list_s[temp]
price = prices[temp]
result = str(temp + 1) + ". " + item + " - $" + str(price)
# Function to remove an item from the cart
def remove():
for temp in range(0, len(list_s)):
item = list_s[temp]
price = prices[temp]
result = str(temp + 1) + ". " + item + " - $" + str(price)
remo = int(input("Which item would you like to remove? "))
if remo == 0:
list_s.pop(remo - 1)
prices.pop(remo - 1)
print("Item removed successfully.")
# Function to compute the total price of items in the cart
def total():
Sum = sum(prices)
print("The total price of the items in the shopping cart is $", round(Sum, 2))
# Main program loop
while True:
print("\nWelcome to the Shopping Cart Program!\n")
print("Please select one of the following:")
print("1. Add item\n2. View cart\n3. Remove item\n4. Compute total\n5. Exit")
select = input("Please enter an action: ")
if select == '1':
print("Welcome to Add Item:")
elif select == '2':
print("Here are all the items in the cart:")
elif select == '3':
elif select == '4':
elif select == '5':
print("Thank you. Goodbye.")
print("You entered an incorrect option.")
Step-by-Step Explanation of Code
1. Initial Setup
We start by importing the sys module and
initializing two lists: list_s to store item names and prices to store
corresponding prices.
2. Adding Items
The add_item function prompts the user to
enter an item name and its price. These are then added to the respective lists,
and a confirmation message is displayed.
3. Viewing Items
The print_items function goes through all
the items in the cart and prints each item with its price in a user-friendly
4. Removing Items
The remove function lists all items with
their indices and asks the user to choose an item to remove by entering its
index. The selected item and its price are then removed from the lists.
5. Computing Total Price
The total function calculates the sum of
all prices in the cart and prints the total, rounded to two decimal places.
6. Main Program Loop
The main loop displays a menu with options for adding items, viewing the cart, removing items, computing the total price, and exiting the program. It processes the user's input and calls the appropriate functions based on the selected option.
watch this video to learn more about while loop:
This simple shopping cart program in Python is a
great example of how Python can be used to create interactive, menu-driven
applications. By understanding and modifying this code, you can enhance your
programming skills and build more complex projects in the future. Happy coding!
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